Accelerating Front-End Deployment using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

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Navigating the intricacies of AWS services can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers to the cloud. While LocalStack provides a useful local environment for AWS development, its significance becomes even more pronounced for those new to cloud computing. With its myriad services, AWS can pose challenges in finding solutions for your project that are efficient and cost-effective.  

LocalStack is an excellent tool for beginners, offering a user-friendly experience in locally developing and testing applications. However, if you are committed to using AWS, several invaluable helper services are tailored for cloud development, often at minimal to no cost. Among these, AWS Amplify stands out as a popular choice for swift front-end application deployment 

Another noteworthy solution AWS provides is Elastic Beanstalk, which offers a comprehensive end-to-end web application deployment platform. Ideal for cloud newcomers, Elastic Beanstalk ensures high scalability, availability, and application health monitoring, simplifying the deployment process significantly. One of its standout features is its cost optimization, alleviating concerns about grappling with deployment intricacies – Elastic Beanstalk takes care of it seamlessly!

Flexibility Working with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk breaks barriers by supporting many programming languages commonly used in application development. Elastic Beanstalk effortlessly accommodates your language preference, whether you code in Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, or others. 

The process is extremely simple – just upload your web application code bundle and let Elastic Beanstalk take care of the rest.  

As mentioned earlier, Elastic Beanstalk offers a plethora of capabilities straight out of the box. These encompass capacity provisioning, load balancing, automatic scaling, application health monitoring, and more.  

Being a fully managed service, Elastic Beanstalk allows you to focus solely on your code, relieving you of the burden of intricate resource management. While you can select specific resources if desired, newcomers to the cloud can entrust Elastic Beanstalk to handle this aspect seamlessly.

Elastic Beanstalk’s Dedicated Architecture

Delving into the internal workings of AWS Elastic Beanstalk unveils its intricate architecture patterns tailored for seamless application deployment.  

This robust system operates within two distinct environments, leveraging six indispensable services for deployment. Elastic Beanstalk seamlessly integrates these services to orchestrate a comprehensive application deployment experience: 

  • AWS EC2 — Providing compute resources essential for web application hosting and deployment. 
  • AWS S3 — An optimal choice for object storage needs. 
  • AWS RDS — Ideal for efficient data storage. 
  • AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) — Facilitating optimal scaling of web applications. 
  • AWS CloudWatch (X-Ray) — Offering optimal application monitoring capabilities. 
  • AWS IAM — A prerequisite for identity access and management. 

Beyond these core services, Elastic Beanstalk operates within two specific environments: 

  • Web Server — Here, Elastic Beanstalk meticulously provisions the necessary resources for running your application. AWS resources created in this environment encompass an Elastic Load Balancer, an Auto Scaling group, and one or more Amazon EC2 instances. 
  • Worker — This environment introduces an additional service, AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service). Elastic Beanstalk installs essential files for interaction with your chosen programming language in a worker environment. SQS is a messaging system that enables other AWS services to read data and determine subsequent actions. 

These architectural patterns, coupled with the six services, establish a clear separation of concerns and promote the modularity of your web application. Elastic Beanstalk’s primary focus is ensuring efficient scaling, storage, and optimal application performance.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Setup and Demo

Assuming you already have an AWS account, let’s dive into setting up and deploying your application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk. We won’t cover the account setup, assuming you have it ready. 

  1. Accessing the AWS Dashboard:

   – Log in to your AWS account and navigate to the dashboard. 

  1. Initiating Deployment:

   – In the dashboard, search for Elastic Beanstalk. 

   – Choose the “Create application” option on the right to initiate the deployment process. 

  1. Configuring Environment Details:

   – Fill out the details related to the environment tier, application, and environment information. For this tutorial, we’ll focus on the Web Server environment. 

   – Specify the desired application name and check the availability of the chosen domain name. 

   – Note the custom URL assigned to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk application. 

  1. Environment Information:

   – Optionally fill out any environment information you deem necessary. 

   – Select the managed platform as the default option and choose Node.js from the drop-down. 

   – Choose “Upload your code” and upload the folder from your system, ensuring an application version number is added. 

  1. Configuring Service Access:

   – Keep Presets as is and proceed to the next step. 

   – Configure service access by determining the service role, EC2 key pair, and an EC2 instance profile. 

   – Ensure the custom role encompasses the specified policies, crucial for AWS Elastic Beanstalk. 

  1. Network, Database, and Tags Configuration:

   – Skip the database and tags sections as we’re focusing on deploying the front-end application. 

  1. Instance Traffic and Scaling Configuration:

   – Stick with the default options for configuring the root volume of the EC2 instance, security group, capacity, fleet composition, instance types, and architecture. 

  1. Updates, Monitoring, and Logging Configuration:

   – For monitoring, select the Basic option. 

   – Choose updates, email notifications, rolling updates, and deployment options as per your preference. 

   – Stick with default options for platform software. 

  1. Review and Submission:

   – Select “Next” to review all the deployment details. 

   – Edit any necessary information and proceed to submit. 

  1. Deployment Completion:

    – Once submitted, navigate to the environment dashboard, where logs will appear, highlighting the deployment steps. 

    – Observe the custom URL showcasing your Elastic Beanstalk deployed application. 

It’s important to note that, unlike AWS Amplify, Elastic Beanstalk does not automatically generate an SSL certificate. If you need to update your codebase and redeploy, access the environment and select the “Update and deploy” option. Upload a new zip containing the updated codebase, and you’re good to go.


We tried to give an overview on the practical aspects by deploying a front-end React.js application. The flexibility, scalability, and optimal performance offered by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Our practical demonstration centred around deploying a front-end React.js application, showcasing the versatility of Elastic Beanstalk across various development scenarios. 

Here at VE3, we go beyond just technology. We understand the intricate dynamics of modern development environments and offer comprehensive solutions to enhance your project’s success. With our expertise in cloud services, including Elastic Beanstalk, we can streamline your deployment processes, optimize performance, and ensure scalability. Our commitment is not only to provide cutting-edge solutions but to empower your team with the knowledge and support needed to navigate the complexities of modern development. By choosing us, you are not just adopting a service; you are gaining a strategic partner dedicated to elevating your development experience. Let us collaborate to unlock the full potential of your projects and propel them towards unprecedented success. To know more, explore our innovative digital solutions or contact us directly.