IoT and Cloud Integration: A Paradigm Shift in Technology

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How has technology progressed over the years? Alex, my friend, was in a hurry to leave his home and in such a state, he kept the air-conditioning and lights on. The crazy part was that he had already driven 10 miles until he realized that. Now, Alex had two choices to make: (i) Go home and turn off the lights (ii) Continue to drive to the office where he is getting late for a meeting. What if Alex has a solution to this problem?

IoT to his rescue. Over the years, the concept of smart homes has resonated at length with the audience to solve problems similar to what Alex and many others like him face. As a result, at the time of writing, we will have more than 29 billion IoT connected devices powering every segment, from smart-homes, offices, and production lines to defense to others. Nonetheless, imagine the quintillions of bits of information flowing from these devices to servers create key points of failure where we need an added layer that can help the IoT ecosystem sustain.
The answer is cloud. Cloud computing will completely change the landscape of IoTs to provide a perfect amalgamation of technology for a smart future ahead. And that’s why we call the fusion of IoT and Cloud an ideal marriage for scripting the future of technology.

How IoTs and Cloud Computing Inflection Will Change the World?

Scalability In The Kitty

With every passing second, the IoTs relay data to the server for processing. The data lengths are in quadrillions byte sizes. The right infrastructure will be pivotal to accommodate and analyze such large chunks of data. The cloud provides virtual limitless possibilities for IoT devices to scale beyond possibility. As a result, there will be no lag in information dissemination to make devices work smoothly. How important is the efficacy of IoTs in war from the standpoint of scalability?

To better explain why the scalability of IoTs matters in a war zone. You must consider that the United States has been using IoMTs with a fault-tolerant tech infra. Meaning that in a war zone, a fraction of a second of a data lag might cost millions of lives. Imagine a rocket or an air-borne bomb getting misguided due to a communication lag. The outcomes are catastrophic. 

Cloud provides an additional space which can be scaled based on the needs of the devices all. As a result, war zones are getting amplified through the use of IoTs and clouds to prepare for challenges that might come during a full-blown war. In the absence of scalability based on situations, such possibilities wouldn’t have been possible.

Real-Time Support

As we are seeing that IoTs have been playing a key role in healthcare, it is necessary that they provide actionable data on time for response. For example, imagine a smartwatch delaying in providing information about irregular heart rates on time. It could possibly lead to fatalities beyond imagination.

For example, Deanna Recktenwald, an Apple FitBit watch user, suddenly received the information that her heart rate had soared to 190 beats per minute. She was rushed to the nearby hospital, where she was saved by the doctors for reaching on time. Imagine what would have happened if the information relay had been stopped due to high latency because of non-scalable servers. It would have been technically impossible to save Deanna. As a result, although the ability of the Apple FitBit watch provides some real-time value, it would have choked due to technological flaws because of the inability of the scaling infrastructure. 

Cloud computing has provided that edge so that the communication loop could be shortened as much as possible to better the user experience. Now, imagine what if Deanna’s relative would have known after any mishap that her life could have been saved if Apple’s FitBit Watch could have provided real vital information on time. The damage done to Apple wouldn’t have been able to be explained in numbers. That’s how cloud computing is providing an edge to IoTs to scale beyond the mediocre.

Cost Effectiveness for Adoption

Moore’s law categorically states that technology can only scale when, with time, it has simplified adoption. To better explain that, you can think of the memory chips/semiconductors that have come of age with time. Those chips, which must have cost a fortune in the past, are relatively cheaper at present with high trade-offs. The same goes for IoTs. If they are increasingly costly to scale, they get stuck in the chasm and eventually die. However, with respect to IoTs with the cloud as a bedrock scaling layer, they can easily lead to cost-effective scaling solutions as per Moore’s law that state cost of maintenance reduces with increased adoption.

Security Not a Chimera

When you speak of security as far as IoTs are concerned, the element of regulation can be a big spoilsport. How? For example, you have an IoT connected smartwatch linked to your credit/debit card for payments. While travelling to a new destination beyond regularity boundaries, it becomes hard to bridge the nexus between two different service providers operating from a single checkpoint, i.e. the IoT linked device. 

However, when cloud, cryptography and IoT fuse together, such burgeoning technical gaps that are ready for a raid at the hands of the attackers can be filled. Hyundai is already working on this line by introducing a digital access currency which uses the cloud for scalability, blockchains for security and IoTs for device connectivity to uplift user experience. Due to the fusion of the blockchain with cloud and IoTs, such devices are even turning PST quantum secure because cryptographic encryption could upgrade to Lattices to remain resilient to a post-quantum threat from QC or Quantum Computers to break into the systems and sabotage the operations.


We have just touched the tip of the iceberg when you look at the efficacies that the fusion of cloud and IoTs can bring. As we go deep into the technology with the passage of time, IoTs will disrupt other key areas which are awaiting transformation, and scalability shall not remain the elephant in the room as long as cloud solutions are there to accommodate the burgeoning demand. Here at VE3, we leverage our expertise in IoT, cloud and more, we are set to unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and connectivity across industries. With our innovative solutions and expert team, we are poised to empower businesses to harness the full potential of IoT, offering scalable and adaptable infrastructure that can accommodate the ever-growing demand for connected devices and data processing.