Achieving Goals through Strategic Management


From Chaos to Clarity: A Change Management Transformation

Criteo is a prominent brand in the digital advertising industry, serving thousands of clients worldwide. As the company continued to grow and diversify its services, the need for a robust change management solution became evident. The goal was to improve project visibility, collaboration, and overall efficiency across the organization. To address these challenges, Criteo partnered with us, renowned change management consultancy, to implement robust project and program management solutions.


  • Managing multiple projects and programs simultaneously, leading to potential resource conflicts and delays.
  • Lack of a standardized project management framework, causing inconsistency in project execution and reporting.
  • Difficulty in prioritizing projects based on their alignment with strategic business goals.
  • Limited visibility into project progress, hindering timely decision-making and issue resolution.
  • Inefficient resource allocation, potentially leading to underutilization or overextension of team members.
  • The risk of project scope creep due to inadequate monitoring and control mechanisms.
  • Need for a scalable solution to accommodate the company’s growth and expanding project portfolio.

VE3 Management Approach

Our team conducted a comprehensive assessment of Criteo's current management processes, tools, and methodologies. They identified gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Based on the assessment, we worked closely with Criteo, to design a tailored project and program management framework. This framework aligned with the company's strategic goals, ensuring that projects were selected, prioritized, and executed in alignment with the business objectives.

In addition to the framework, we recommended the adoption of Agile methodologies where appropriate. This Agile approach enhanced flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration across project teams.

Recognizing that successful change management required a skilled team, we provided training and workshops. This empowered the teams to effectively use the new tools and methodologies, driving consistent project success.

After the initial implementation, we continued to work closely with the team to monitor the effectiveness of the new change management solutions. Regular reviews were conducted to identify areas for refinement and optimization.


Enhanced Visibility: The newly implemented methodologies and frameworks allowed for better tracking of project progress, enabling timely interventions and informed decision-making.

Aligned Prioritization: The tailored framework facilitated the alignment of projects with Criteo’s’ strategic goals, ensuring that projects with the highest impact were prioritized.

Flexible Adaptation: The incorporation of Agile methodologies increased the company’s ability to adapt to changing project requirements and market dynamics.

Skill Empowerment: Criteo’s teams gained a deeper understanding of effective project and program management practices, enhancing their capabilities and professional growth.

On-Time Project Delivery: The refined project management processes contributed to an increased rate of on-time project deliveries, boosting customer satisfaction and trust.

Scalable Excellence: Our solutions were designed to accommodate Criteo’s growth, enabling the management of a larger project portfolio without compromising quality.

By partnering with VE3 to implement a comprehensive project and program management solution, Criteo successfully navigated their project challenges and elevated their standing within the competitive fintech sector. This case study underscores the critical role that strategic change management plays in achieving organizational success and resilience in a fast-paced and evolving industry.

Explore our expertise

Data Analytics

Enable organizations to leverage cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data.

Business Intelligence

Unlock actionable insights with our Business Intelligence services. Transform data into strategic decisions, optimise performance, and drive growth.

Performance Engineering

A comprehensive resource on the principles, strategies, and techniques employed to achieve and sustain optimal performance in various systems, applications, and environments.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Unlock growth opportunities through M&A. Our services offer strategic guidance, due-diligence, and seamless integration for successful mergers and acquisitions.

Process Automation

Leverage technology and automation to streamline and optimise business processes for improved efficiency, productivity, and agility, ensuring business development and growth.

Digital Advisory

Provide strategic guidance and expertise to navigating digital transformation, leveraging emerging technologies and innovative solutions to optimise processes.

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