Brand guidelines & Assets

Brand Kit

Brand Logo

Maintain spacing of at least R around the logo. Where R = 1/3 times the minimal logo dimension (smaller of logo width and logo height)

Brand Icon

Maintain spacing of at least r around the brand icon. Where r = 1/3 the unit square around the icon. The unit square is defined by the largest of icon width or height.

VE3 Brand Colors



Accent 1

Accent 2

Accent 3

VE3 Icons


Accent 1

Accent 2

Accent 2


Use PNG files for websites and apps. Use PDF SVG and EPS files for print.

Use the full logo when possible, and the symbol alone for space-constrained applications such as profile images and app icons.

You can use Poppins & Brandmark Sans for titles and Arial, Robot & Montserrat Light Alt1 for subtexts.