The Multi-Cloud Convergence: Taking the Cloud to Greater Heights

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What is Multi-Cloud?

Multi-cloud, as the name suggests, refers to the use of multiple cloud computing and storage services simultaneously from different providers to meet an organization’s specific needs. Instead of relying on a single cloud platform, multi-cloud environments leverage a combination of public, private, and hybrid clouds, enabling businesses to choose the most suitable services from different providers. This approach offers increased flexibility, resilience, and scalability, allowing organizations to optimize costs, mitigate risks, and access a wider range of cloud services and capabilities. 

By harnessing the strengths of multiple cloud platforms, multi-cloud empowers businesses to adapt to evolving requirements, avoid vendor lock-in, enhance performance, and drive innovation in the dynamic landscape of cloud computing. 

Why Multi-Cloud?

It’s a well-known fact that each cloud provider has some uniqueness in their service offerings. In other words, certain providers lead in specific areas of technology. To clarify this, consider the top cloud providers – AWS, Azure, and GCP – and compare the leading services of each. 

A) Amazon Web Services (AWS) 

AWS is a leader in many cloud services, particularly in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) category. IaaS is a cloud computing model that provides virtualized computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networking, over the internet. 

AWS offers a wide range of IaaS services, including Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store), Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), and many more. These services provide scalable and flexible infrastructure resources, allowing organizations to quickly and easily spin up or down the computing resources as needed. AWS is also known for its extensive ecosystem of tools and services that support IaaS, including Amazon CloudFormation for infrastructure management. 

B) Microsoft Azure 

Microsoft Azure stands out as a leading provider in numerous cloud services, with a notable prominence in the Platform as a Service (PaaS) segment, and more specifically in AI platforms. It’s an open fact that OpenAI gives Microsoft an edge in the AI segment over other providers. Additionally, Azure’s easy integration with Microsoft tools attracts businesses. 

Azure offers a wide range of PaaS services, including Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Azure SQL Database, Azure DevOps, and many more. These services provide developers with a high level of abstraction, allowing them to focus on building and deploying their applications rather than managing the underlying infrastructure. 

C) Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 

Although GCP initially faced setbacks in the cloud industry, it’s now gaining market share more aggressively due to its pricing models that can aid customers with cost concerns. Google Cloud Platform is particularly strong in the area of container orchestration and management. Containerization is a method of packaging and deploying software applications that enables them to run consistently across different computing environments. 

GCP’s containerization services are built around Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform that was originally developed by Google. GCP offers a fully managed Kubernetes service called Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which allows organizations to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications with ease. Overall, GCP’s strong containerization capabilities make it a popular choice for organizations that want to modernize their application development and deployment processes and take advantage of the benefits of containerization. 


Common scenarios, which can also be considered as multi-cloud deployment strategies, involve multiple cloud environments from either private cloud or public cloud providers. These scenarios include: 

  1. Hybrid Multi-Cloud: This model involves using a combination of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises infrastructure. It allows organizations to choose the best deployment option for each workload based on factors such as performance, security, and compliance. 
  2. Intercloud: This model involves using multiple clouds from different providers to create a unified, distributed cloud environment. It allows organizations to seamlessly move workloads between different cloud providers and take advantage of the unique features and services offered by each provider. 
  3. Multi-Provider Multi-Cloud: This model involves using multiple cloud providers for different workloads. This approach allows organizations to avoid vendor lock-in and take advantage of the unique features and services offered by each provider. 


  1. Vendor Lock-In Avoidance: By adopting a multi-cloud strategy, organizations can avoid dependency on a single cloud provider, reducing the risk of vendor lock-in. This empowers businesses to negotiate better terms, pricing, and service-level agreements (SLAs) with multiple providers. 
  2. Resilience and Disaster Recovery: Multi-cloud architectures enhance resilience by distributing workloads across multiple cloud providers and regions. In the event of an outage or disruption, services can be seamlessly shifted to alternate providers, ensuring continuous availability and minimizing the impact on business operations. 
  3. Performance and Latency Optimization: Multi-cloud environments enable organizations to deploy applications and services in cloud regions that are geographically closer to their target audience. This localization reduces latency and enhances user experience, especially for real-time applications or those requiring low latency, such as gaming or financial trading. 
  4. Best-of-Breed Services: Different cloud providers excel in specific areas or offer unique services. Adopting a multi-cloud approach allows organizations to leverage the best-of-breed services from each provider, selecting the most suitable offerings for specific business needs and gaining a competitive edge. 


  1. Determining the Right Cloud and Services: Not all cloud providers and services are equal for all jobs. In fact, this factor has directed us towards multi-cloud. It’s important to choose the right service with the right cloud provider, which requires strong technical expertise in cloud providers and their services. 
  2. Architectural Complexity: Multi-cloud environments can be complex to manage, especially as the number of cloud providers, applications, and data sources increase. This can result in a lack of visibility and control, making it difficult to maintain security, compliance, and governance. 
  3. Integration and Interoperability: Integrating different cloud platforms and applications can be challenging due to differences in architecture, APIs, and data formats. Ensuring interoperability and seamless data transfer between clouds can be time-consuming and require significant effort. 
  4. Security and Compliance: With data and applications spread across multiple clouds, organizations must ensure that their security and compliance policies cover all cloud providers, and that data is secure and compliant with regulations across all cloud environments. 

Multi-Cloud Management Platforms

Multi-cloud management is the set of tools and procedures that allow a business to monitor and secure applications and workloads across multiple public clouds. These platforms, also known as cloud orchestration tools, include: 

  • Cloudify: Cloudify is an open-source cloud orchestration platform that enables organizations to automate and manage their cloud infrastructure and applications across multiple clouds and data centres. It provides a unified and consistent way to deploy and manage applications, services, and infrastructure across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. 

Cloudify offers built-in cost and billing management capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor and manage their costs across multiple cloud providers. By integrating with cloud provider APIs and billing systems, Cloudify enables organizations to track and analyse their cloud usage and costs across multiple clouds and data centres in a centralized dashboard. This comprehensive view of cloud spending helps identify cost optimization opportunities. 

  • IBM Multi-Cloud Manager (MCMP): IBM MCMP is a platform that enables organizations to manage and orchestrate their applications and services across multiple cloud environments, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. It provides a centralized dashboard for managing and monitoring applications, services, and infrastructure across different cloud providers, data centres, and edge locations. 

IBM MCMP uses a combination of automation, analytics, and policy-based controls to simplify the management and deployment of applications and services. It offers a consistent and secure way to manage applications and data across multiple clouds. 

  • Dynatrace: Dynatrace is an AI-powered software intelligence platform that streamlines cloud complexity, optimizes application performance, and accelerates digital transformation. It provides a unified platform for monitoring and managing applications and infrastructure across multiple cloud providers, data centres, and edge locations. It supports a wide range of application architectures, including microservices, containers, and serverless computing, and offers a comprehensive set of features for monitoring and managing the performance of these applications and services. Dynatrace uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to automatically detect and diagnose performance issues in real-time, helping organizations optimize the performance and availability of their applications and services. 

Key features of Dynatrace include end-to-end monitoring, automatic problem detection and diagnosis, cloud-native architecture, real-time analytics and insights, and automation and orchestration. 

  • Morpheus: Morpheus is a cloud management platform that helps organizations optimize their cloud operations by providing a single platform for managing applications, infrastructure, and cloud services across multiple clouds and environments. It also offers enhanced security features such as encryption, role-based access control, and secure network connections. Morpheus is a comprehensive platform that can help organizations achieve their cloud management goals and drive business value through better cloud operations. 

Most importantly, a multi-cloud platform needs to offer easy integration, despite these added complications. Morpheus easily integrates with over 50 different third-party products out-of-the-box, with no need for added application programming logic. 


In the dynamic landscape of modern technology, the rise of multi-cloud has emerged as a profound paradigm shift, reshaping the way businesses envision and harness the power of the cloud. With its inherent flexibility, resilience, and scalability, multi-cloud has transcended mere trendiness to become an indispensable strategy for organizations across industries. As organizations strive to innovate, adapt, and unlock the full potential of cloud computing, the multi-cloud approach has proven itself as a gateway to unparalleled possibilities. By embracing a diverse array of cloud providers and services, businesses can navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with confidence, harnessing the collective strengths of multiple platforms to propel their growth, deliver exceptional user experiences, and forge new frontiers of success. 

VE3 is well-positioned to help you navigate the complexities of multi-cloud deployment. Our expertise in cloud technologies, combined with our strategic partnerships with top cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP, and Linode, enables us to deliver tailored solutions that align with your unique business requirements. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to design, implement, and manage a multi-cloud strategy that optimizes performance, reduces costs, and mitigates risks, ensuring that your organization reaps the full benefits of a multi-cloud environment. Partner with VE3 and let us guide you on your journey to multi-cloud success. 


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